Saturday, January 25, 2014


You have no idea how odd it is to come back here after four years. So much has changed. I have grown up, taken two major exams, discovered other things that I like and then to come back here and rediscover my old dreams. Reading about Sammy, the poor whale shark that the world forgot, and about pea chicks and butterflies, it is just strange. How I use to blah about nature in my blood and the birds and butterflies flying close to me. They still do by the way, I just don't find it odd anymore.

I have made very good friends in the last four years and I guess that and the exams drew me away from my dreams as a child. My interests just grew quieter, more silent. I will always love nature. I owe it so much but I am not as passionate as I once was. Or perhaps I have just become more selfish. Sometimes I feel that I have changed for the worse. Or perhaps my dreams simply changed.

I wrote a poem when I was thirteen and I put it here. Now let me put up another one.

A dream that flew away

By May Kwek

I will always remember
The sea, the wind and the sun
How they brought laughter to my eyes
And gave me lots of fun

I will remain thankful
For the gifts nature gave me
Companionship in loneliness
Sympathy in misery

I dreamed to always be with them
In some ways I still do
But life changed and I with it
And my dreams changed form too

And while I was busy
With exams and school
My dreams boarded a boat to sea
And left me lost and blue

I floundered for years
In exams, study and tests
Dreams laid low and silent
Until I finally had a rest

So now while new dreams kindle
And life again blooms in the sun
I returned here and found
Some dreams ended before they begun

Copyright © 2014 by May Kwek

May K.