Monday, February 18, 2008

My writing on saving the enviroment


I sometimes do not know what is going on in my head. Nature and the enviroment seems to be in my head all the time. As a result weird writings about nature can pop out of me any time.Take this for example:

"Right from the beginning mother earth was our home. As we evolved we took over the planet. We changed the wilderness into a city, even the ocean was not left unconquered. All this posioned mother earth and as we grow older and change the world even more, the poision grows stronger. Mother earth is our only home. If she dies so would we. So reuse,reduce and recycle .

I know that you are only one person and if you do not do this things it would not make a difference. But think about it this way, if everyone does it than the world is doing it, won't that make a difference? Everyone counts. Every little bit is important. So please save our home for your children and your children's children."

This was aimed at adults so if you are a child it is ok and normal to be confused. I am also wondering about the source of this pieace of writing.


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