Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Hey Guys,

I just watched Avatar earlier today and does anyone else think that the invading humans are more savage than the natives are? I think so, I mean the land is not their's, it does not belong to the human race. What makes them think that just because they want the land, they get the land? It's like we are acting like spoiled kids. Why did I bring this up? Because this applies to our world too. let's imagine, there is a bright new undiscovered land full of gemstones and oil. The ecosystem there is balanced and stable, the native people respect and care for the environment, everything is perfect. Then, someone discovers the land, and guess what happens? The new foreign people take over the land, destroy the original habit, dig holes and disfigure the landscape in search of oil. Worse, they consider the natives 'savagers'and take them as slaves. The once perfect and balanced land is suddenly thrown into disarray in a matter of months.

Anyone heard this story before? If you haven't, go read up on the history of the Americas. The situation I just described actually happened before, and I have a feeling it might not be the last. Right now, this instance, we are doing the very same thing, but this time with plants and animals. Think about it, what makes us think that the rain forest belongs to us? Then why do we destroy it? Why do we kill creatures for their skins? What gives us the right? As far as I see, nothing. We aren't doing it out of need (Which I personally feel is ok), but out of greed. If not our own greed, then for someone elses' greed. Can't they see, we are doing something no other species does:



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