Friday, December 5, 2008

Time to change


I realised that no one is actually taking this blog seriously and well I guess that is my fault. My intended viewers have as far as I know, never came across this blog and my friends who know about this blog are not interested in science and the environment as much as I am and thus are doing nothing. I am going to change this blog, I am going to make it serious, though I wonder how much can I change the world with 1 simple blog. Maybe I should start a website, but I must be unique and different. If I approach people with the same ideas and the same method of persuasion as the previous generations nothing will change. There will be sympathy and maybe a little work done, but it would be just the same as before. So I must do things differently, I must.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rain rain go away come again another day.........


Hey, I got great news! It rained in dubai just eariler today! Can you believe it? Rain in the desert, well it does happen but no very often. this is the first rain i have seen in more than 2 months! It is also getting colder, the hottest temperature was about 30 degrees today,not bad. My friend's father says that from now the weather would start getting cooler, I can't wait! I am already fed up with all these heat.

Till the next time!

May the rainforest girl in the desert : )

Ps: I should sign of like that more often, its fun!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A butterfly!


I am soooooo happy. Just yesterday, my family and I went shopping at this place called ACE and I saw a butterfly! This is the first butterfly I have seen in 2 months! I am sooo happy........


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Guess I am used to the desert already


I think I am used to the desert already. I don't feel homesick any more at least. I think I can survive here. There are animals at least, if I am not wrong there is a nature reserve here that has alot of exotic middle easten birds! I want my father to take me there one day and to the mountains too I hope. You know what? I think I might learn to love the desert after all but it must not be a desert city. i mean a desert, a real desert. Oh, and help free sammy the whale shark! he once was a free animal but now he is in a big aqurarium in Alantis( this is a big fancy hotel that is on the artifical island Palm Jumerah, too bad I don't like fancy stuff) . Please help free him everyone! Please! I don't think we should keep him locked like this!


Saturday, September 27, 2008

I miss the flowers


I am homesick...... I miss the flowers and the trees and all round rainforest. What am I supposed to do? In this place you don't see much animals or natural nature( all the plants that are along the road are planted by hand and are water daily it is not natural). It is too hot now to go to parks and I am not sure I want to go either. it is all not natural, not real, it is all man made. What kind of park is that? Not saying that they did not try to make it real but no matter how hard humans try we can never completely and truely mimic the natural world. It is too amazing.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008



Ok from the heading you can probably tell I have a few problems. I can't stay outside to long because the temperature is too high. I will probably be able to go out when it is winter here ( There is no snow! The temperature is in between 20 -25 degrees). But I will have problems going out to the desert, the ride out to the the desert is quite bumpy and I will get motion sickness. We will also need a four wheel drive which might be quite expensive. I have to admit this the wrong time to think about going out, my family has to settle in first. We haven't got a house yet so right now we are searching for one, but they are all so expensive!


Friday, September 19, 2008

Hi! I am in the desert!


I am currently in Dubai ( the dessert city) and in my new school we can't go outside. This is probably because of the heat but to tell you the truth I can't really feel the heat xb. This has resulted in me feeling some what down but I will get over it. I really hope I will learn to love the desert as much as I love the forest one day.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rubbish Earth


I am finally back, sorry didn't know what to write about. : ( Any way, just 2 days ago I went to watch walle ( In case you did not know it is a new movie by Disney) . Althought I personnally do not really like the movie, I think that if you want to have an idea of how our planet could look like if we didn't take care of it. This is the movie to watch. Anyway I am moving to a desert, so it is a completely different biome from the one I am in now. I hope that everything will go well there. Wish me luck!


Friday, August 15, 2008

Poem to Mother Earth

Hi everyone!

I have decided to write a poem to mother earth.( I think it is weird :)

A cool gentle wind,
a drop of rain.
Floating clouds,
and endless seas.

Gifts from mother earth that were meant to be shared,
like the trees and mountains, like flowers and rain.
Once a flourishing land filled with life, now a dessert with not a plant in sight.

OK, I know that it was weird and rather short but before i go i want to say some thing:

Everyone please listen to me! Give me a chance to speak! Let me go through the world and show that though the harvest is not ripe you still reap!

Eveything we do wrong is like a drop of poison, lets find the antidote! And the only home we know!


ps: I know that was random.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Nature is crazy!

Hi everyone!

The more I think about it the more I think nature is a weird place but that is not going to stop me from working in the rainforest should I have the chance to. Somtimes I feel science is my destiny I mean come on how many kids hear the word "science" at the age of 7 for the first time and it changes their life forever. Am I going weird too?


Monday, May 12, 2008

Ok, so what if I am a nature freak?

Hi everyone!

If you have already read my my earlier posts you must think I am a nature freak. Ok, I suppose you are right but what can I do? It is me. I feel better in the sun and on the grass with butterflies flying around me than being in a full of people( I would become dizzy : ( ). Prehapes that is why I spent my recess alone, in the eco-garden. My classmates don't understand why like it there. The reason is this: There I can find peace, an escape from the human world I am so afraid of. (Weird right?)


note: After reading this, I wonder if there is anything wrong with me.

Monday, May 5, 2008

What is going on?

Hi everyone!

I know you will probably think I am crazy when I tell you this but I am not. The birds near my school are no longer afraid of me. They fly above, beside, behind and in front of me. Today I was just walking back to class and then there are 3 crows right beside me. The butterflies aren't afraid either, whenever I walk throught the garden Iwould see at least 1 butterfly and if I keep still they would fly very close to me. I wonder what is going on. Why aren't they afraid anymore? Have they gotten used to me so soon? I am not saying that I do not like this but I just find it odd. Perhaps, they are not afraid because I do not hurt them.( But I have never wanted to hurt them....)

May : )
PS: The bird above is the Common Myna. I think it is bad luck to name anything "common" because they eventually become rare. Really, it seems to be an on going trend.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Recently, I went to Beijing on a holiday and do you know what I hated the most? The air! The air in Beijing has been heavily polluted by the sand from the growing Gobi dessert. Hopefully they will clean it up before the Olympics. As a result of all this sand, there is hardly ever a day with clear blue skies. Luckily, on the second last day of our trip we experienced clear skies. It was only then that I could fully appreciate the beauty of China.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Nature strikes back!


I have just watched a documentary about what will happen to earth after humans are gone. I must say that it seems that no matter what we do, as long as we give nature time to recover it will recover. Maybe if we return to our life in the forest and lived as our ancestors did the earth would recover from what we have done. But will people do that? No! We are far too comfortable in our self created enviroment to leave it and live in the forest. Now that I think about it, will I go live in the forest? It is hard to say. I am after all still young and still learning about our world. Who knows what earth would be like when I grow up?


Sunday, March 16, 2008


No one knows really how much I love the enviroment. I am willing to spent my life saving it. If any one asks me how much I love nature all I can say is that its in my blood. And no I am not crazy. Oxygen is part of the enviroment isn't it? Doesn't my blood carry it around my body? xb

May : )

Is money everything?


I love nature and I really do not like to see no one caring about nature because of nature. Most poeple only seem to care for nature because it benefits them, they don't really care about nature, but when there is good money in caring of nature everyone suddenly cares. (Or when nature affects them in an unpleasent way) People also harm nature just to get money, like poachers for example if there was no money in killing these animals and selling their body parts would they do it? NO! There is an old Cree Indian saying," Only when the last tree has been cut, only when the last river has been poisioned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten." I hope we will learn this before this saying becomes true.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Difficult days

Hi again! I decided to inform everyone reading my blog about the difficulties of loving the environment.

1. Nobody wants to listen to me!

This is a common problem I face, I often want to tell people about nature and the environment but no one wants to listen and take me seriously except for my sister. If you ever listen to my sister and I speaking to one another , you will find that we would sometimes talk about nature and the environment. It is seems that my love for nature has rubbed off on her.

2. I don't know how to help!

This is a simple problem. First you start small by recycling, reusing and reducing, than you can do some volunteer work to clean up the environment.

I will stop here of now see you soon!


Monday, February 18, 2008

My writing on saving the enviroment


I sometimes do not know what is going on in my head. Nature and the enviroment seems to be in my head all the time. As a result weird writings about nature can pop out of me any time.Take this for example:

"Right from the beginning mother earth was our home. As we evolved we took over the planet. We changed the wilderness into a city, even the ocean was not left unconquered. All this posioned mother earth and as we grow older and change the world even more, the poision grows stronger. Mother earth is our only home. If she dies so would we. So reuse,reduce and recycle .

I know that you are only one person and if you do not do this things it would not make a difference. But think about it this way, if everyone does it than the world is doing it, won't that make a difference? Everyone counts. Every little bit is important. So please save our home for your children and your children's children."

This was aimed at adults so if you are a child it is ok and normal to be confused. I am also wondering about the source of this pieace of writing.


Friday, February 15, 2008


Hi everyone!

I know that many people find science a pain and a bore, so I created this blog so that everyone can learn to see science in a different way. Enjoy!

Tip to save the earth every day! : Take a shower instead of a bath. It will help save water and you will be cleaner!

Note on 27/9/08: Guess I turned it from a science blog to a nature blog. Oh well I like writing about nature anyway. xD